Chronic Pain Sufferers Need Personalized Movement Therapy
MBA has combined her expertise as a clinical dentist
Title: Chronic Pain Sufferers Need Personalized Movement Therapy
Biography: Chronic Pain Sufferers Need Personalized Movement Therapy
Movement therapy is an important, yet overlooked, aspect of chronic pain management, because it emphasizes a mind-body connection in a way that traditional PT does not. Though conventional physical therapy may help temporarily, PT is usually reactive, not proactive. If your patients suffer chronic musculoskeletal pain, it is key to give them an expanded toolkit by choosing from a wide variety of other movement therapies such as Feldenkrais Method, Gyrotonic Method, Pilates and Yoga Therapy. Movement therapy is also very holistic in its approach, with yoga therapy, pilates and Gyrotonic seeking to improve both mental and physical health, and Feldenkrais focusing on creating new connections between the brain and body. Unique from PT, is the way that movement therapy allows for the incorporation of technology and thus offers more personalized healing. The aims of Naturopathic medicine are in sync with those of Movement therapy, making it a vital part of any ND’s healing arsenal.